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Arise, O Lord
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Arise, O Lord

The past two years have been marked with uncertainty and fear. Here in the United States these two circumstances are fairly rare for the majority of the population. Every day there are decisions we are having to make in the midst of unclear facts and moving data insights. The platform has been set for us the Bride of Christ to arise and let our light shine. As the Bride of Christ we can still see clearly and live without fear. Why? Our clarity and decision making is not based on what we can see or hear with our physical eyes or mind, but it is based on what Christ speaks to us through His Holy Spirit. 

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Steadfast Love
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Steadfast Love

"Slow and steady wins the race." A famous refrain from a classic Aesop fable, "The Turtle and the Hare." As children we were read this fable so we can learn important lessons which would help shape our character. The race between a hare and a turtle was used to show us the effects of pride and relying on our own perception of someone else's skills can become our biggest downfalls.

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In Him is Fullness
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

In Him is Fullness

Ever joined a gym or any membership type program? In the beginning this new relationship you noticed afforded you all the amenities you valued. The first couple of weeks or even months you use everything. You make sure to try everything at least once. However, as time goes on you continue to pay the monthly fees to have the membership, but you find yourself not using all the amenities you have access to. Sometimes you even forget all the privileges you have access to because you have slipped into a routine limiting yourself to certain activities or you have simply lost interest in what is offered and no longer value it. Unfortunately, this fallen mentality of consuming and moving on it is not limited to our earthly, temporary memberships, but it plagues our spiritual lives as well. Jesus writes a letter to a specific group of people the church of Ephesus in the book of Revelation encouraging them to return to their first love because they too, like many of us, had lost sight of what their relationship with Jesus was all about.

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Where can grace be found?
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Where can grace be found?

Lately, I have found myself feeling cornered in, pressed down, and without foresight. There are many decisions to be made but not enough clarity of thought or information to come to a resolution. There is however a lot of noise and loud voices on the news, radio, social media, and corporate emails trying to push their agendas. Then there are life's demands. These demands do not cease because I cannot make a decision. The earth continues to go round the sun causing days and weeks to fly by. Thankfully I am not the first or the last person to experience these feelings. And neither are you. 

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Do you see what He sees?
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Do you see what He sees?

As a child I used to dread when my mother would ask me to go get something for her from a closet or from a room in our home. Not because I did not want to go up the stairs or pause my show to go do what she asked. It was because every time without fail I would not be able to find the item she was seeking. She would described to me what I should see and where the item should be, but I would go look and without fail I would see things how she described it and still not be able to find the item. Then when I would claim defeat she would swoop in and find the item in a matter of seconds and proclaim, "see it was right there in front of your face!" 

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.