In Him is Fullness

Hello Bride of Christ,

Ever joined a gym or any membership type program? In the beginning this new relationship you noticed afforded you all the amenities you valued. The first couple of weeks or even months you use everything. You make sure to try everything at least once. However, as time goes on you continue to pay the monthly fees to have the membership, but you find yourself not using all the amenities you have access to. Sometimes you even forget all the privileges you have access to because you have slipped into a routine limiting yourself to certain activities or you have simply lost interest in what is offered and no longer value it. Unfortunately, this fallen mentality of consuming and moving on it is not limited to our earthly, temporary memberships, but it plagues our spiritual lives as well. Jesus writes a letter to a specific group of people the church of Ephesus in the book of Revelation encouraging them to return to their first love because they too, like many of us, had lost sight of what their relationship with Jesus was all about.

The book of Ephesians written by the apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is a letter written to the same believers Jesus wrote to in Ephesus and those faithful in Christ Jesus. Paul wrote this letter to these gentile believers to remind them of all the spiritual blessings they had access to in Christ, because they had forgotten causing them to live lives of duty without hope. As Jesus mentioned in His letter to them in Revelation chapter 2 they were doing all these “good spiritual” activities but apart from their first love, Jesus. It was not in Christ. As a result, it was just activity without power and purpose.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

Paul reminds us that we have a special relationship which gives us access to every spiritual gift, amenity, and blessing that could be found but it lies within Jesus. Some of the spiritual blessings Paul highlights in the book of Ephesians God has given us because of our relationship and acceptance of Jesus are an understanding of our identity: a chosen people before the foundation of the earth to be holy and blameless in Jesus and we are children of God through adoption by Jesus. We have also been accepted and are highly favored by God because of Jesus. Also, not only did Jesus give us the Holy Spirit to be our friend and our help when He departed from earth, but Father God has sealed us with the Holy Spirit when we believed in Jesus’ work on the cross to mark us and identify us as His prized possession.

Bride of Christ, let us not lose sight of all the spiritual blessings God has given us because of Jesus. Also let us not overlook the fact the only way to truly access these blessings is to understand they are found in Jesus. Let us abide in Jesus. Dwell in Jesus all the days of our lives so that we may walk as children of God with hope, light, and most importantly love. Sit with me today and take account of all the blessings God has given us because of our relationship with Jesus and do not let this membership go to waste.


Steadfast Love


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