Arise, O Lord

Hello Bride of Christ, 

The past two years have been marked with uncertainty and fear. Here in the United States these two circumstances are fairly rare for the majority of the population. Every day there are decisions we are having to make in the midst of unclear facts and moving data insights. The platform has been set for us the Bride of Christ to arise and let our light shine. As the Bride of Christ we can still see clearly and live without fear. Why? Our clarity and decision making is not based on what we can see or hear with our physical eyes or mind, but it is based on what Christ speaks to us through His Holy Spirit. 

"I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:1-2

When chaos ensues and fear is being used to drive decisions may we be like David in Psalm 9 and turn to the Lord and praise Him. David's eyes were not on the enemies that were seeking his life, but he kept his eyes fixed on the Lord. David's whole heart was focused on the Lord. All throughout Psalm 9 David speaks of what the Lord is doing because David's focus was not on his own personal problems or his current circumstance. David's focus was on his Lord, "For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging in righteousness, You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted out their names forever and ever." Psalm 9:4-5

As scripture tells us out of the heart pours forth the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Since David's whole heart was focused on what the Lord was doing David's mouth followed suit and poured forth praises and spoke of the Lord's marvelous works (Psalm 9:1). David was so filled with gladness and rejoiced in the Lord and the Lord's works so much (Psalm 9:2), he would break out in song! 

Bride of Christ, what are the words pouring forth out of your heart? What are the themes of your conversations these day? Are they filled with worry, doubt, anxiety, or with joy, hope, and praise? During these trying times we must not forget the Lord has not forsaken those who seek Him (Psalm 9:10). "He does not forget the cry of the humble." (Psalm 9:12) Let us be those who know the name of the Lord, Jesus, and put our trust in Him (Psalm 9:10). Trust Jesus so much that we unify and call out "Arise O Lord! Arise and make yourself known through the word of our testimonies!"  


The Time is Near


Steadfast Love