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Esperanza Blog

Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey


Good is the word God, the Creator, in Genesis 1 used to describe all that He had created (Genesis 1:31). The dry land earth, the gathering of waters, the expanse of heaven, the winged bird, the sea creatures, cattle, every creeping thing, and man, made in His image and likeness, He describes as good. Good meaning pleasant and agreeable to the sense. Pleasant and agreeable to whose sense?

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Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey


When experienced firsthand it can leave one feeling loved. When lacking it can leave one feeling overlooked. It is often encouraged by teachers in the classroom starting as early as kindergarten. Also encouraged by parents within and outside of the home. It is a good quality to look for amongst friends. Also, a quality looked for in fine speech. Taught by Jesus as a way to treat not only our friends but our enemies.

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Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey


Instant gratification and comfort are two prominent nouns sought after across the globe. Technological advances, the speed of change, and the increase in transit societies create environments void of delayed gratification. Discomforts are also minimized. No one seeks after being uncomfortable or to experience pain, quite the contrary we go to great lengths to feel comfort. We spend all our resources to acquire, consume, and improve each comfort and satisfy every want disguised as a need. Yet we worship a God who characterizes Himself as the opposite and chose the opposite for Himself.

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Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey


How often do you find yourself desiring tranquility, well-being, and soundness of mind and heart? Yet, are confronted and assaulted by the chaos and noise of life, and before you realize it you are operating out of known experience, fear, or even anxiety. Renown author and theologian C.S Lewis wrote in his book Mere Christianity, “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” (p.50, Mere Christianity)

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Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey


Laughter is an experience. The chapter in Helen Keller’s biography continued by explaining all the things her Teacher did to lead Helen through the motions of happiness. Leading Helen motion by motion to the point of Helen experiencing laughter for herself, firsthand. Although Helen could not hear her own laughter she could still experience it through the rest of her being. Praise God for His Spirit, the teacher, who leads us through motions of emotion all the while etching the fruit of joy into our souls. Like Helen, we too can be blind and deaf to an experience. We too can be saved children of God walking with Him, but missing one important fruit, joy, from our lives.

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.