
Hello Bride of Christ,

I have been enjoying my fourth read of Helen Keller’s biography written by Margaret Davidson with my third-second grader. There is one chapter no matter how many times I have read it moves me emotionally. Here is the section that grips me, “By the middle of June Helen knew more than four hundred words. But there was one important word she did not know. Helen was seven years old now. But for more than five of those years she had been blind and deaf. During those five years she had forgotten how to laugh.”

Laughter is an experience. The chapter in Helen Keller’s biography continued by explaining all the things her Teacher did to lead Helen through the motions of happiness. Leading Helen motion by motion to the point of Helen experiencing laughter for herself, firsthand. Although Helen could not hear her own laughter she could still experience it through the rest of her being. Praise God for His Spirit, the teacher, who leads us through motions of emotion all the while etching the fruit of joy into our souls. Like Helen, we too can be blind and deaf to an experience. We too can be saved children of God walking with Him, but missing one important fruit, joy, from our lives.

Paul writes, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22 -23) The fruit of joy expressed here according to Lexham Bible Reference is the Greek term chara meaning the experience of gladness. Joy is the result of people experiencing God’s presence through the Holy Spirit. Our Teacher, the Holy Spirit, guides us day-by-day, and even moment-by-moment if we let Him; teaching us how to experience gladness irrespective of circumstance.

Helen did not have to hear her own laughter or anyone else’s for that matter for her to be able to laugh. Likewise, we do not have to have everything going our way to experience a deep sense of gladness, joy. In fact, the word of God tells us many times, joy enables us to endure trials and suffering for James writes, “my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” (James 1:2-3) It is this specific fruit, joy, empowering us to be long-suffering and patient. Therefore, producing more internal fruit, which is often expressed outwardly.

Bride of Christ, joy is cultivated by spending time in God’s presence and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak the words of the living God to us. Joy is not dependent on circumstance or emotion. It is a fruit, a result, or a product of our quality time spent with God. As Helen’s mother stopped to look upon and delight in her daughter laughing, so does our Father God delight to see us, His children, living and walking through life’s highs and lows with joy radiating upon our faces and most importantly in the core of our hearts, where He chooses to reside. As Paul encouraged the Galatians long ago, I encourage you today, “if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25) Allow the Teacher to guide you through the motions of joy.


