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Esperanza Blog

Grace In Your Heart
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Grace In Your Heart

Ever watch a movie so many times you can recite each line? It may be your favorite movie or the favorite movie of a loved one. If not movies, maybe you can recite quotes from well known writers and poets. In order to do either you had to spend time listening and reading the material over an extended period of time. Over time you can hear the line or the theme music anywhere out of context and still you are able to recognize it. Well the Lord desires the same type of bond with His word. 

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I Will Remember
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

I Will Remember

How would you respond to a child who pushes the limits, walks contrary to everything you advise, and is not willing to obey? You would look favorably upon them and make them fruitful, right? Of course not! 

What if you were this child? How then would you respond? Speaking from my own experience when I am this disobedient child I have my long list of justifications and reasons why even though I was walking contrary to my father not willing to obey I deserve favor (grace), peace, and blessings. God knew this would be so and therefore He laid it out quite clearly in His word how He responds to His children. 

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Precious Gift
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Precious Gift

Reading. Oh reading. It is interesting to me how there is a universal culture since I was a child of people struggling with reading. The power of reading has always been known for it has been used to divide the rich from the poor, the slave from the master, the uneducated from the educated. There is power in reading. 

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He Sanctifies
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

He Sanctifies

Ever do something for the first time and struggle with knowing whether you have done it correctly? This happens to me in many different circumstances such as at the gym - did I really use this machine correctly? In the kitchen - did I follow the recipe exactly how the writer intended? At the golf course - am I using the correct club? Regardless the circumstance or the new experience, time will show the results. 

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More Than a Prayer
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

More Than a Prayer

A couple of years ago my family and I spent a week at Yellowstone National Park. One thing this trip had a lot of was preparation! Before, during, and even after we had to spend time preparing for what lied ahead. The preparation not only made us ready for future events but allowed us to thoroughly enjoy the moment we were preparing for once we were in it! Since we took the time to prepare we knew what to look out for, what to expect, so no worry or distraction came and robbed the joy from the moment. The ever present moment. 

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.