I Will Remember
Hello Bride of Christ,
How would you respond to a child who pushes the limits, walks contrary to everything you advise, and is not willing to obey? You would look favorably upon them and make them fruitful, right? Of course not!
What if you were this child? How then would you respond? Speaking from my own experience when I am this disobedient child I have my long list of justifications and reasons why even though I was walking contrary to my father not willing to obey I deserve favor (grace), peace, and blessings. God knew this would be so and therefore He laid it out quite clearly in His word how He responds to His children.
Take time here to read Leviticus chapter 26 since this is where our time together will be spent.
In this chapter God lists a lot of things He will do. Many of the things we desire and spend a whole life time chasing. Things like fruitfulness to know our time and efforts are not wasted (vs4), food to never hunger (vs5), to live in peace (vs6), have favor (vs9), and burdens lifted (vs13). In this same chapter He lists off some unfavorable things He will do. Things like we often complain about or try to avoid such as appoint terror and fear amongst the people (vs15), bring plagues and hardships (vs 18-22), hunger and dissatisfaction (vs 26), disunity and scattering of people (vs 33).
Both results or responses from God towards the people are based on the people's response to Him. However, God takes it one step further. You may read the chapter and think wow what a punitive and performance based God, and completely miss His character.
"But if they confess their iniquities and the iniquity of their fathers, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they have also have walked contrary to Me, and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they accept their guilt- then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac, and My covenant with Abraham, I will remember." (Leviticus 26:40-42)
Bride of Christ, our Father God does not judge us by our actions. As we may have judged the child I wrote about earlier. Father God judges our hearts' intent. He is looking for us to confess and recognize our wrongs, humble ourselves and accept our guilt all while recognizing His hand in our lives (i.e. bringing us into the land of our enemies), so that He could remember His precious covenant with us.
I believe the Psalmist said it best "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, and a broken and contrite heart- These God, You will not despise." (Psalm 51:17) I encourage you today to join me in humbling ourselves before our Father God and accepting our guilt and recognizing the precious gift of Jesus He has given each of us that He may remember His covenant of old. May we experience not only His favor spoken of in Leviticus 26, but also God Himself walking among us (vs12)!