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He is for you
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

He is for you

Ever feel like you cannot catch a break? You solve one pressing issue to then be presented with another pressing issue. You make just enough money to pay the bills and rent for the month to then have your car break down and need repair. You try to start saving and then the rainy day comes before there is anything put to the side. This does not only present itself financially but also spiritually.

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Lest Perhaps...
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Lest Perhaps...

Do you ever set out to go somewhere and find yourself taking longer than expected to get there? Some times when I am coming home from my mother's home I go through this mental battel of which route do I take... do I take the highway or do I go through the back roads? Each route has their own experiences and challenges which impact the rest of my day. One time I chose the highway, thinking I would get home faster, to be rudely surprised by the bumper to bumper traffic, which caused my journey home to be twice as long. We can all guess how that impacted my mood for the following two hours! 

The impact of choices is a life long lesson. Every choice made leads to a ripple effect of successes, encounters, challenges, and more decisions. God is so keenly aware of this. Great insight to how keen God is to understanding how routes we take lead to decisions we make look at Exodus 13:17-22.

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Light Amongst Darkness
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Light Amongst Darkness

Have you ever experienced a blackout? Have you experienced it for multiple days in a row? It is quite the unpleasant experience if you do not have a generator or an alternative source of power. Personally for me the discomfort of a blackout is the uncertainty of when the issue will be resolved and the power of electricity will be restored. During a blackout your sustenance is threatened, as your refrigerator's contents are put at risk of spoiling, and productivity is reduced since you cannot work in the dark. 

A blackout is a great reminder of how fragile and dependent our lives are on the source of power around us. Even during the time of Moses this lesson was applied as God in Exodus 10:21-29 uses a blackout to illustrate to Pharaoh the Lord and only the Lord is in control. 

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I am the Lord
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

I am the Lord

Do you ever get to the end of your week and wonder, 'How did I make it?' 

The feelings of exhaustion, being overwhelmed are not too detached from this thought. The endless tasks, errands, and especially the demands. I do not know about you, but with every passing week I feel like the demands at work, parenting, and life are just getting heavier and harder to complete. 

Where do you go for your strength to make it to the end of the week? 

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The Helper
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

The Helper

When I was a child going through grammar school I often struggled with learning. I was not quick to comprehend or had the ability to build on the foundation being established for me. I dreaded studying, for it was a long process... endless hours spent trying to memorize facts (because I could not understand them). Most of my school days I got by through simply regurgitating what was told to me. No understanding, no practical use of the information, no lasting impact was gained. 

So when I was approached with the bible and encouraged to memorize it... I shrunk back because I was quickly taken back to my elementary school days. This seemed to be an impossible task. Honestly, I thought a useless one as well since all my "studying" days never really amounted to much. Then I came across this section of scripture...

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.