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Esperanza Blog

Turn Aside
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Turn Aside

One of my passions as a child and as an adult, unashamedly, I will admit is playing video games. Not just any video game though. I enjoy adventure games which tell a story and consist of various quest and missions. These missions are comprised of riddles and puzzles which require some thought and learned experience to solve. Often embedded throughout the levels of the game are "easter eggs," hidden treasures only unlocked through secret passages or control combinations. Video games for me, is all the excitement which comes from the seeking and finding!

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Lord Are You Speaking?
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Lord Are You Speaking?

One of my weekly habits is to prepare for the upcoming week. I read lesson plans provided by my children's teachers to know what to expect for the coming school week. This enables me to run out to the store and buy supplies needed, mark it on my calendar so I can show up, fill my child's backpack with the relevant materials, and make sure my child has completed all the necessary assignments on-time. Another part of my getting ready for the coming week is ironing the week's worth of uniforms for my children to ensure they are ready to be grabbed out of closets on busy early mornings. I not only prepare for my children's school events, but also for my work. I read emails I missed during the week and reply. I look ahead at my work calendar to see meetings that have been scheduled and determine whether or not I have an agenda to prepare or provide input to. I also complete trainings with approaching deadlines. I am sure you have your readiness checklist or method for getting prepared. It may not be a week ahead or a day ahead, but you try your best to anticipate and get ready.

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Why do you trouble her?
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Why do you trouble her?

Ever feel like you are surrounded by critics? We experience this in many different fashions and we become self-conscious in regards to this criticism from a very young age. It impacts how we walk, talk, dress, and think. As Christians this awareness of criticism can impact how we study God's word, how we worship our God, how we serve our God, and even how we speak about our God.

Criticism is a powerful tool used to sway people. When placed in the wrong hands or given too much weight it can hinder and stifle. However, when placed in the right hands or given with the purest heart intent it can lead to an overflow which impacts many!

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His Word
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

His Word

Do you have a favorite bible verse? One that is dear to your heart? A verse that has practical application in your life?

Since the beginning of my walk with the Lord the word of God has had a tremendous value in my life. I do not think my faith would mean anything apart from it. The word of God (the bible) has provided me direction, instruction, enlightenment, understanding, and hope. All of scripture is Holy Spirit inspired and profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, but there are certain scriptures I hold dear to my heart because I have lived them or have benefitted from knowing them. I encourage you to find your scriptures, if you have not found them already. I will share with you which bible verse is my favorite and maybe it will become yours... I am willing to share :)

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Keep Dreaming
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Keep Dreaming

Are you a planner? Do you like knowing what to expect or are you more of a go with the flow type of person? Either way I think it is human nature to wonder and contemplate the future.

I remember being in high school and dreaming about college and my future career. I would imagine my business suites and all the countries I would travel to for my career. Since this dream of being an international business woman was so real in my imagination I began to take steps to bring it to pass.

Did you ever consider God has dreams too for your life?

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.