His Word
Hello Bride of Christ,
Do you have a favorite bible verse? One that is dear to your heart? A verse that has practical application in your life?
Since the beginning of my walk with the Lord the word of God has had a tremendous value in my life. I do not think my faith would mean anything apart from it. The word of God (the bible) has provided me direction, instruction, enlightenment, understanding, and hope. All of scripture is Holy Spirit inspired and profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, but there are certain scriptures I hold dear to my heart because I have lived them or have benefitted from knowing them. I encourage you to find your scriptures, if you have not found them already. I will share with you which bible verse is my favorite and maybe it will become yours... I am willing to share :)
Most people, I think, would agree that Solomon, when asked by the Lord what is the one thing he desired and he chose wisdom, would say in hindsight that Solomon made the right request. Wisdom often talked about and associated with old age and experience. Well my favorite bible verse not only gave me insight as to why Solomon's response was indeed perfect, but also why wisdom comes with age is a myth.
Here it is... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him (God), And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
When I came upon this verse in my daily journey of reading the word it was a game changer! This verse showed me the difference between understanding and wisdom. See, understanding something means you know how it works or how it came to be; you are familiar with it. But wisdom is knowing when to apply that understanding. Another way to say it is knowing when to use what you know. However, the most significant learning from this verse was the revelation of WHO has and does the understanding and wisdom. God himself! The Lord was asking me to not live like the world and live day by day making decisions based on my experience or experience of others. I had access to a new way of life. I did not have to wait for gray hair and experience to know what to do in my life. I simply had to recognize and acknowledge God.
Acknowledge... when someone walks into a room how do you acknowledge them? Say hello, give a hug, or speak to them... right? I equate acknowledging God to spending time in prayer because it is in prayer I speak with God and tell Him everything. I started to run everything by Him first because I acknowledged He was my creator and knew what was best for me. Since this verse, I run everything by the Lord, whether big or small (In all my ways).
The second piece that made this verse a game changer and favorite of mine is the surety of it. Once I acknowledged God, I could rest assured He shall direct my paths. He was going to respond. I could sit and wait, listen, and not worry.
Bride of Christ, I encourage you to dig into the bible. This is the only way to truly begin to value it and treasure it. As you read on a daily basis your eyes will be opened and you will begin to notice how the words come to life. All of a sudden the drive to work, or the conversation with a friend or co-worker has new meaning. Your mind will be renewed and your eyes will begin to see as never before. Acknowledge the Lord, read His inspired words, and begin to allow Him to direct your paths into the awesome plans He has especially for you!
If you have a favorite verse please drop it in the comments section. I look forward to hearing from you!