Keep Dreaming
Hello Bride of Christ,
Are you a planner? Do you like knowing what to expect or are you more of a go with the flow type of person? Either way I think it is human nature to wonder and contemplate the future.
I remember being in high school and dreaming about college and my future career. I would imagine my business suites and all the countries I would travel to for my career. Since this dream of being an international business woman was so real in my imagination I began to take steps to bring it to pass.
Did you ever consider God has dreams too for your life?
Joseph, one of Jacob's twelve sons, was a dreamer. God used dreams in Joseph's life to reveal to him the plans He had for him. In Genesis 37 Joseph has two dreams, one of binding sheaves in the fields and another of the sun, moon, and eleven stars, all to symbolize one day Joseph would reign over his family. See God was sharing His future plans with Joseph. God would continue to use the same method of dreams to communicate to Joseph through the various stages of his life.
Join me in Genesis chapter 41. Here we will read about Pharaoh of Egypt and the Hebrew man Joseph. Joseph by this point in his life had been betrayed by his family and falsely accused of a crime which landed him in prison. Pharaoh had two dreams which troubled him. He searched for an interpretation with no success, but was then made aware of Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams.
There are two key verses in this chapter I want to draw attention to because I believe they capture the essence of why dreams should not be dismissed so quickly.
The first is Joseph's recognition of who gives dreams and their meaning, the source. "It is not me (Joseph); God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace." (Genesis 41:16) See Joseph since young recognized that dreams were not to be just scientifically explained away, but the creator of the universe was the source of the dream. And only the source of the dream could explain the dream.
The second is Joseph's recognition of why the dreams and their interpretations were given, the purpose. "God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do." (Genesis 41:28) God desires to share His plans with us. Yes God's ways are above our ways and yes He thinks differently then we do, but He does not desire to leave us in the dark. Joseph acknowledge God was sharing His plan and giving insight.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He is doing the same with us today. He gives us dreams. Let us not quickly dismiss them. Recognize the source and give Him the credit He is due. Ask Him for the meaning and the purpose. Thank Him for sharing His plans with you!
So Bride of Christ, as we embark into a new year keep on dreaming because the Lord is desiring to show you what He is about to do!