Trust Him

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
— Proverbs 3: 5-6

Hello Bride of Christ,

Adults on average make 35,000 decisions per day, yet I do not find myself praying the equivalent. Those decisions require sizing (small, medium, or large), understanding (complex or simple), and resolution. In other words, each decision requires an adult to discern. However, wisdom to discern begins and ends with God.

If I am not praying through each decision, what am I doing? Every decision made without prayer, irrespective of complexity or importance, reveals defiance of leaning toward my own understanding. In Proverbs the Holy Spirit advises, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) The use of the word “lean” illustrates supporting oneself.

Discernment sourced by supporting oneself results in sin. Believers in Christ need to understand Jesus’ words in John 15:5, “for without Me you can do nothing.” Jesus did not say we can do some things without Him. Instead, Jesus said we can do nothing. Therefore, this includes all 35,000 daily decisions.

The Lord’s decision-making remedy of trusting Him eliminates self-induced discernment. Trust Him. A simple approach, yet I find myself like Adam and Eve using my senses to discern. When Eve was approached in the garden by the serpent about the tree which God told Adam to not touch, the word states she looked at the tree and examined it to discern whether it would harm her. She did not trust God’s word. Instead, she supported herself and leaned to her own understanding, and participated in false discernment. Dangerous.

We all know what happened when Eve chose to lean on her own understanding for sin entered the world and we all inherited it.

Bride of Christ, how do we break the cycle of decision-making apart from God? The Lord provided a simple solution for us all. He encourages us to know His word. Psalm 1 conveys the blessed person meditates on God’s word day and night. The more we read the word of God and let it permeate our thinking, the more our hearts will grow to trust Him. The word reveals God’s faithfulness through each testimony captured. Soon we will realize God keeps His word. The more we read the word a renewal of our minds takes place. We shortly agree with God our senses lack trustworthiness. The news lacks dependability. Our friends lack wisdom. Only One trustworthy, dependable, wise source exists. God. Acknowledge God today in all your decisions. Read His word and break the dangerous cycle of supporting oneself.

Christian struggling with discernment? Trust God.


The First Word of the Gospel


Seek Him