Seek Him

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
— Matthew 6:33

 Hello Bride of Christ,

Did you know about fifty percent of people struggle with focus and concentration? The struggle to gain work-life balance, respond to the pressures of modern life, and maintain a social life physically and virtually (social media) leaves many struggling to focus. Lack of focus results in poor decision-making, inability to complete quality work, forgetfulness, and low energy. The enemy steals our focus to create the perfect storm to keep the children of God ineffective.

 But God.

 Jesus pre-dating social media knew the struggle of focus for people and therefore provided a remedy in His sermon on the mount. He said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) Jesus encouraged the people to seek. The word seek in Greek, zēteō , means to seek what is lost, what is due. The word zēteō implies serious effort for seeking information, to perform an action, or to search for a lost object or desire.


 Bride of Christ, do you struggle to focus? Jesus encourages you today to seek Him first. Seek Jesus first. Seek one thing. Jesus.

 Where to seek Him?

 In the volume of the Word He is found. Grab your bible today, and simply open it and read one verse. Offer up this simple prayer, “Jesus, I seek you today. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon me so I can focus on what You are speaking to me. It is in Your might name I pray, Jesus. Amen.”

 Then let Jesus add all things to you as He promised.

 As He draws you into focus you will discover righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17) Allow the word of God to wash over you and renew your mind to the point of focus. Stop striving and allow God to captivate your mind and all your senses with His everlasting word, for in it there is power. Through seeking Him first, you will unlock the power of the word to judge the thoughts and attitudes of your heart. Allow Him to bring you into focus and overcome the plans of the enemy.   


Trust Him


Teach My Song to Rise to You