Teach My Song to Rise to You

Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.
— 1 Chronicles 16:23

Hello Bride of Christ,  

According to the US Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million deaths per year in the United States resulting in 13 million grievers annually. Yet, society creates little space for the grieving to process their loss. An average company provides 2-3 days of bereavement.  When we experience the loss of a loved one, pet, dream, or deep heart desire grief arises, and when not dealt with grief robs us of our voice. No position or status can immune us from grief. The author of Chronicles gives us a keen example through the life of King David.

In 1 Chronicles 13, King David sought counsel from all the leaders of Israel since he desired to bring the ark of God back to the City of David. The people agreed. “So they carried the ark of God on a new cart from the house of Abinadab, and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart.” (1 Chronicles 13: 7) The people brought forth instruments and sang with all their might before the Lord (1 Chronicles 13:8). The oxen slip. Uzza stretched out his hand. The Lord’s anger was aroused. The Lord strikes Uzza. Uzza lays before the Lord lifeless. (1 Chronicles 13: 9-10)

David’s stages of grief? (1 Chronicles 13:11 -12)




David uttered, “How can I bring the ark of God to me?” (1 Chronicles 13:12)

Bride of Christ, ever experience the music fading? The song you once sang freely in your heart seems to weigh you down and you cannot even hum the melody? The writer of the chronicles states the ark stood for three months with Obed-Edom after the Uzza incident (1 Chronicles 13:14). Using my creative imagination I see King David, the songwriter processing this event the best way he knew how… writing a psalm. David chose to sit and remember the Lord. He remembered the Lord’s marvelous works, and the covenant of old to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (1 Chronicles 16:12, 15). The word of God does not indicate, but I infer during the process of writing his psalm the Lord revealed His purpose for the grief for it is written, “David built a house for himself in the City of David, and he prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it. Then David said, “No one may carry the ark of God but the Levites, for the Lord has chosen them to carry the ark of God and to minister before Him forever.” (1 Chronicles 15:1-2) David remembers who God had chosen to carry His ark and a song rises within him.

David attempts again to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem.


David slips Asaph his psalm. (1 Chronicles 16:7)

His grief psalm.

A beautiful song of remembrance!

Oh give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people!” (1 Chronicles 16:8)

You too, like David, take time to grieve. Often, we try to not remember what we lost so we hurt a little less. But I encourage you, like David, to remember. Remember who Your God and allow the memories to create in you a new song.

Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.” – 1 Chronicles 16:23

Life may never slow down to create room for you to process, but remember…

Remember in the suffering, Your God draws near.

Remember in the darkness, Your God never leaves.

Remember in the grief, Your God of mercy walks with you.

Remember to raise your voice to sing, hallelujah to Your King!


Seek Him

