The First Word of the Gospel

Hello Bride of Christ,

Repent. John the Baptist preached the first word of the gospel to prepare the way (Matthew 3:2). Repent—the first word preached by Jesus in His Galilean ministry (Matthew 4:17).  Repent. Peter’s first word of exhortation during the first church service (Acts 2:38). Repent.

Repent means to turn towards God. In Greek, the concept of repentance relates to radically changing your thinking. During John the Baptist and Jesus’ day, one might say repentance was radical thinking.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 3:3)

John prepared people’s hearts to receive the King of Heaven. He called them to repent, turn towards God, for He was near.  Naturally, turning towards God brings us to the realization our sin separates us from Him. The first fruit of repentance comes to bear… confession.

The birth of the gospel’s radical concept of an individual confessing sins took place. Yes, during this time observance of the Day of Atonement and collective confessions ensued, but random moments of confession?

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)

Jesus preached repentance in Galilee as He gathered His first disciples. Revealing repentance is not only the first word of the gospel but the first fruit of when we receive the gospel.

John recognized the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism (Matthew 3:7). He knew they did not bear the fruits worthy of repentance (Matthew 3:8). For when a man turns towards God with his whole heart and radically aligns his thinking with the living God, confession and acknowledgment of one’s need of a Savior becomes a daily occurrence.

Bride of Christ, when was the last time you repented? Do you recall the last time you confessed your grievances before your living God? Repent. This key first word of the gospel allows us to bear fruit worthy of being baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). Let us remember from where we have fallen, repent, and return to our God. Jesus is calling.


A Heart Desire


Trust Him