Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
— James 1:4

Drip. Drip. Splat.

Drip. Drip. Splat.

The rhythmic sound catches my husband’s attention. He looks left to notice a puddle of water on his desk. Following the drops his eyes lock on the ceiling.

“Athena! I think we have a leak.”

My response?

“Call my Papi! I need my dad!”

Let patience have its perfect work.

Let patience have its perfect work.

“Hello Papi, I have a leak in Steve’s office! What should I do?”

His answer activated our unconscious restoration journey.

Two days pass and the plumbers arrive to evaluate the situation. They examine.  They probe. They leave us with a hole in the ceiling and no diagnosis.  

Let patience have its perfect work.

Days later we partner with a restoration company. They examine. They probe. They leave all the plumbing and subfloors exposed. They enter the bathroom. 

“Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, come kneel, look the shower door is compromised. I believe a compromised shower pan is the source of the issue since the tiles contain water damage. To accurately determine the shower pan’s condition, we need to remove the shower,” he states. 

Let patience have its perfect work.

What started with a drip resulted in a rip.

A gaping hole in the ceiling, a shower removed, tiles torn out. We were exposed.

Undiagnosed compromise revealed initiated months of repair and restoration.

Let patience have its perfect work.

Bride of Christ, the Lord allows drips to bring us to our knees. There on our knees, our eyes open to the undetected compromise in our lives. Compromise wreaks havoc underneath the surface permeating everything around us. But God. He reveals compromise. God restores all areas impacted by it. He walks us through it. But us, Bride of Christ, do we make room for His patience to complete its work? Or does temptation come in for us to pray the problem away?  

Call upon the Father.

Ask Him, what He would have you do.


Make room for patience.

Receive the perfect and complete work.

Live in Your father’s promise.

Lack nothing.


How to Gain Victory in All Circumstances

