
Hello Bride of Christ,

You cannot give what you do not possess,” a quote pertaining to both life’s physical and spiritual possessions.  John, a disciple of Jesus Christ, possessed an intimate fellowship with His Lord. John chosen by Jesus to partner in earthly ministry and chosen by the Holy Spirit to pen treasured scriptures, including the Revelation of Jesus Christ, writes a letter to the church encouraging others to enjoy God’s invitation to partner. The disciple who bore witness to the Word of God knew an individual’s spiritual health hinges on three aspects of life: prayer, the Word, and fellowship.

“that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you to may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3 ESV

The concept of fellowship yields spending time with others who hold similar beliefs. However, John clarifies the foundation of fellowship in his letter to the church. Beginning in the Old Testament fellowship meant a circle of godly confidants (Psalm 1). The earliest account of man, Adam, demonstrates him in the garden walking and communing with God. Then Adam sinned, creating a break in fellowship. Building on the concept of a godly council God offers His only Son Jesus to reconcile this council. After Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, the depth of fellowship expanded. In the New Testament fellowship offers restored communion and partnership with the living God and His Son Jesus Christ through the promise of the Holy Spirit. The trinity invites man to partner on earth and reign together for eternity!

Bride of Christ, Jesus invites you to enjoy His company, as Adam the first man, once experienced. As we walk with God the gathering of the saints occurs. Surrounding ourselves with saints will not produce walking with God. For John writes, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) Fellowship, as every good and perfect gift from God is firmly rooted in Jesus. Bride of Christ, I write these things to you, hoping you will get up from here and seek fellowship with Him, who valued your spiritual union with His Father to the degree of death, death on the cross. 


Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work


His Word