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Esperanza Blog

Power of Identity
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Power of Identity

Another day starts...My children come rushing in to my dark room to crawl into my bed to begin to wiggle. Then the request come flooding in... can you get me a bottle? Can you get me my blanket? I am cold. Can you make me breakfast? Can you...? Keep in mind this happens typically between 5-6am every morning! Did I tell you I am not a morning person. Well sometimes starting my day in such matter causes me to get disheveled. So much so I forget who I am and who I belong to.

Join me in reading the book of Esther. She is a perfect example of being uprooted from all she knows into a lifestyle that was not custom to her, but yet she never lost her identity or forgot who she belong to.

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How Long, Oh Lord?
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

How Long, Oh Lord?

Fickle Hearted?

Fall is a very fickle season where everything is in a constant state of change. Nature displays this state of being in a very tangible way. The mornings are often cold and dark requiring a jacket and maybe a sweater in some cases, followed by warm afternoons allowing for short sleeve shirts and flip flops in some areas, ending with sunsets as early as 5:30pm and cold brisk breeze causing jackets and sweaters to be needed again. Trees changing daily from green foliage to various red, orange, yellow hues before becoming completely bare. Days can vary from sunny to rainy to very breezy. Although fall is fickle and no day or even hour may be the same there lies a beauty within. Much like fall I find my fickle heart. What pleased my heart in the morning may not please my heart by afternoon, but may please my heart by evening. The season of fall reflects my fickle fallen heart.

How to identify a fickle fallen heart? How does the Lord respond to a fickle fallen heart? Can a fickle fallen heart be used by the Lord? Join me at taking a look at Psalm 13 to find out.

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.