Seek My Face

Hello Bride of Christ,

I must be honest I have struggled with David. David from the Old Testament. David, shepherd boy made king of Israel. David, young boy with faith to take down giants. David, the repented adulterer. David, emotionally unstable psalm writer. David, who God called the man after His own heart. Many Christians admire David and even sometimes put him as a role model to emulate. Truly my struggle with David is that he is so human! David was no perfect man, yet he had such a profoundly close relationship with the Lord. David’s life story challenges me to the core of my being. Do I really believe I worship a God of grace and not performance?

“The Lord is my light and my salvation;” (Psalm 27:1)

“The Lord is the strength of my life;” (Psalm 27:1)

“He (the Lord) shall hide me;” (Psalm 27:5)

“He (the Lord) shall set me high upon a rock.” (Psalm 27:5)

Psalm 27 gives great insight to David’s heart, and how confident he was in God’s grace. David repeatedly in this Psalm considers the source of illumination (light), rescue (salvation), power (strength), protection, and stability (rock) to be the Lord. David’s heart was confident in the Lord. Why did David not rely on his own performance or believe the Lord was looking for great performance?

It is hidden in the middle of Psalm 27, David pens “When You (God) said, ‘Seek My face.’ My (David) heart said to You (God), ‘Your face, Lord I will seek.’” (Psalm 27:8)

David had a heart conversation with the living God. David heard the Lord say to him to seek His face. Way before Jesus ever walked on this earth, He was asking man to look for His humanity. God wanted David to see Jesus, God made flesh. Jesus, invisible God made visible. Jesus, God’s face.

God did not tell David to perform. God did not tell David to strive. Rather God told him to seek Jesus. David’s heart responded. In his seeking the Lord’s face David was able to come to this conclusion:

“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,” (Psalm 27:4)

Why did David want to live in the house of the Lord all the days of His life? Note not in his after life, but in all the days of his life.

David continues in verse 4 “To behold the beauty of the Lord, and inquire in His temple.”

David wanted to live every waking moment in God’s house because he wanted to do exactly what the Lord was asking him to do, behold His face! In beholding, inquiry will arise. David wanted to see the beauty of the Lord and ask the Lord for more information.

Bride of Christ, might we pause today and hear God asking us to seek His face. Consider what it is that you see in Jesus’ face when you behold Him? Pray and ask the Lord to make this your heart’s one desire, so like David you too can be confident in your humanness that the living God still wants deep connected relationship with you.

“Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14)


Narrow is the way


What a friend