Narrow is the way

Hello Bride of Christ,

Paths with dead ends or with too many forks are enemies of my mind. Dead ends meaning, no exit, only choice but to turn around and return from whence you came. Forcing me to revisit certain events I only endured to get to the dead end! Paths with many forks bring about the same pain. More mental hurdles. Did I go the right way? What would have happened if I would of went the other way? Is the road less traveled what I am being called to?

“Watch the path of your feet…” (Proverbs 4:26)

Paths are referenced all throughout scripture giving indication of lifestyle. The righteous path verses the wicked path (Proverbs 4:11,14). The path of light verses the path of darkness (Proverbs 4: 18-19). The narrow path leading to life verses the wide path leading to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).  With such hyper focus on paths, the Lord must care. The Lord must have intentions. What then?

How do we reconcile these path choices? Which way do we go?

Proverbs 4 a father’s instruction to his sons provides keen insight to where to begin. “Hear, O sons, the instruction of a father, and give attention that you may gain understanding.” (Proverbs 4:1) Yes, the start is simple. Hear.

Not research.

Not gather.

Not observe.

Not test.

Not understand.

Not listen.

Just hear.

Hear Father God speak instructions to you.

God is infamous of giving very detailed instructions. He did so with Noah when calling him to the path of the ark (Genesis 6). God gave Moses instructions when leading the people out of Egypt across the path of the Red Sea (Exodus 14). Also, with Samuel when instructing him who to anoint as first King of Israel (1 Samuel 9). 

It begins with hearing, but notice the father’s progression, he asks for attention. Lean in. Hearing is the ability to notice the noise. However, the father’s desire is for his sons to grow from hearing to giving attention to what they are hearing, so that they may grow into listeners. It is when we listen, we are able to follow the instruction to gain understanding. Baby steps.

Before we can know which path to journey on we must pause. Pause to hear. Lean in to listen. Follow to gain understanding.

Proverbs 4 is rich with the intents of the father’s heart for his sons. His intentions are these that they may acquire wisdom and understanding (proverbs 4:5), gain protection and guidance (Proverbs 4:6), experience promotion, honor, and grace (Proverbs 4:8,9), become beauty (Proverbs 4:9), and so much more!

Bride of Christ, as the father pleads in this Proverb 4, accept his sayings, give attention to His words, and incline your ear. Not sure which path to pursue? Currently making a U-turn after hitting a dead end? Father God, help us to slow down and lend our ears to You. Allow us to hear your instruction, hold on to it in our hearts, that when we run, we will not stumble and when we walk, our steps will not be impeded. Help us to ponder our paths and not depart from Your instructions. Narrow is Your way that leads to life, and few find it. Help us to desire to be that few. Help us to listen for You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.   


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