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Esperanza Blog
The Promise of a New Relationship
Have you ever reached a point in a relationship where starting over felt like the only way to restore it? Sometimes, a fresh beginning turns things around and brings healthier results. Similarly, throughout history, God has sought to renew His relationship with us.
Life lessons arising from death
Imagine experiencing 87 funerals per day for over 35 years. For those who experienced tragic days in human history, such as September 11th, October 7th, or the Holocaust, the etched frame of reference of pain and grief lives within our hearts. How did we live on? How did we cope? Much like the Old Testament times, many like Moses, the man of God, chose prayer to find life lessons arise from death.
Why do you love God?
Why do you love God and desire to follow His commands? As the world grows more accepting of all behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles, why do you continue to follow God’s Word and rules? God foresaw the need for the answer to this question. God knew the answer would sustain the inquired and challenge the inquirer.
The Main State of Wholeness
What adjectives do you choose to describe yourself? Do you know if dependent ever makes the list? I am dependent! No, probably not. Why? We live in a culture that promotes a balance between dependent and independent behaviors. Our culture associates dependent behavior appropriate for children and individuals with disabilities. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary dependent means contingent – determined or conditioned by another- or reliant on another for support. Not the definition most people associate with a healthy, stable, reliable, and successful individual. Yet our Kinsmen Redeemer through the grace of God confirms within us the opposite testimony, so we come short in no gift!
3 Pitfalls of Every God Lover
Little time and much to do sums up our culture. Research confirms 60% of adults believe there are not enough hours in the day to complete their to-do list (SWNS, 2023). A survey of over 10,000 workers discovered days are consumed with busy work (Liu, Jennifer, 2022). All the while God looks on, and Jesus Christ calls His followers to a different existence.
Bible Study Resources
Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.