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Esperanza Blog

Christ Image in Our Relationships
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Christ Image in Our Relationships

Ever look at your children or a younger family relative and stay amazed at how prone they are to mimic the adults or older people in their lives? Growing up in a Latin home we were taught from young to honor and respect our elders. The older generation were known to have endure some trying times and as a result had a wisdom about them. They were also expected to instill in the younger generation a sense of self worth and purpose of being part of the family. This concept is not meant to be a uniqueness of Latin people, but in fact God desired it to be a unique characteristic of His children. 

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Unshakeable Joy
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Unshakeable Joy

When was the last time you experienced a smile that hurt your face? You know when you cannot stop yourself from smiling that the muscles in your face begin to feel sore. When this happens it seems to be this unspeakable overwhelming joy that rises up and takes over. Some might describe the feeling like walking on clouds, or living on cloud 9. It truly is joy, unshakeable joy!

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The joy of the Lord is your strength
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

The joy of the Lord is your strength

Ever struggle with not feeling quite yourself, but you are not sure what is causing it? This gnawing feeling of something is wrong can wear you down. It can also make you feel vexed over the slightest situations or interactions. The lack of clarity and ability to understand can be frustrating, but I want to encourage you today to keep seeking. Keep asking. Keep knocking on heaven's door. Jesus is standing by to answer. 

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The Hour Has Come
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

The Hour Has Come

Have you ever considered what you would do if you were told you have one more week to live? Would you change how you spend your days? Is there anything you would not do? Is there anything you would start doing? As we come together this weekend to celebrate Resurrection Sunday let us take a look at what Jesus did as He became aware that His hour was drawing near and He had one week left on this earth.

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Come Away With Me
Athena Ramsey Athena Ramsey

Come Away With Me

The phrase "Pause is Power" coined by, American gymnast, Simone Biles has been ringing in my ears for the past couple weeks. It is an intriguing concept because life often finds a way to become overwhelmingly busy. You find yourself running from one activity to the next or from one meeting to the next. Can you relate with the back to back calls during the work day that do not even allow you to pause to use the bathroom? Or the pressing deadlines that seem to leave you with very little time to pull together a descent thought? Yes, you have set boundaries. Yes, you are saying no to activities. Yes, you are bowing out of activities. However, the empty timeslots quickly get filled with items outside of your control. Pause. This concept is not a new one, for God did establish the Sabbath because He knew we would need rest. God Himself, after creating all creation, gave Himself a pause, for He rested on the seventh day. Even while Jesus fulfilled His ministry on earth He paused. So how did Jesus pause? How does He call us to pause?

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Bible Study Resources

Journaling while exploring the bible is a great method to identify themes and document areas for further study! Here are affiliate links to my recommended journal and bible highlighters.