Striving for Gladness

Smiling takes work. I smile hoping the emotion of gladness proceeds. But no. About 280 million people in the world suffer from depression. I am not alone. Plagued by thoughts… “What is wrong with me? Gladness for my life should be easy.” However, the external world never measures up to uplift my emotional state.  The world disappoints for God provides gladness.

“You have put gladness in my heart,” writes David declaring God the giver of gladness (Psalm 4:7). God plants the seed of gladness within the heart of man. No smile or world achievement plants gladness within us. Since God puts gladness within hearts, let us focus on the condition of our heart’s soil, not the provision of gladness.

The parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:18-23) describes the various conditions of heart soil. Our hearts might not comprehend the seed the Lord imparts and therefore the wicked one comes and snatches it away (Matt 13:19). Even when comprehension exists our hearts are consumed by the cares of this temporal world, allowing trials to uproot or stifle gladness (Matt 13:21-22). Yet the desired condition, good soil, an understanding heart receiving, and holding onto God’s gladness, produces fruit (Matt13:23).

How do we cultivate the soil of our hearts to allow gladness to take root and produce fruit?


Completing the hard work of acknowledging we have wandered far from God.

Repentance means turning back towards God and changing how we think.

Change of thought – Gladness comes from God, and not in and of myself.

Bride of Christ, in my depressed state I acknowledge God’s desire for me to smile from receiving His gladness. God desires to put gladness within the heart of man. He faithfully provides gladness. Leaving a choice to cultivate the soil of my heart every day to receive it. Likewise, you receive the same choice. Desire gladness? Then join me in a prayer of cultivating a heart ready for gladness to take root and produce abundant fruit, “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer. (Psalm 4:1) I desire gladness. Clean my heart and remove any stone or hindrance from receiving Your gift. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


A Kneeling Heart


A Heart Desire