Only Believe

Hello Bride of Christ, 

When you are first confronted with a problem where do you go for resolution? If we are honest we would probably have different sources for resolution based on how big of a problem we have analyzed it to be. If it is a minor problem we may rely on ourselves and our own resources to come to a quick resolution. If beyond our immediate resources we may call on a friend and our network. If enormous we may call on the professionals in the field. If really desperate we may pause long enough to pray. We all would like to answer this question as my Sunday school children do when posed with any question, "Jesus!" We know the Christian right answer. But let us be honest... where do we go immediately when we need a resolution? Acknowledging where we are and where would like to be will help us to actually change, if needed. Jesus knows where we are at and He is willing to help us regardless of where we are, if we believe. 

"Go in peace and be healed of your affliction." (Mark 5:34)

In the gospel of Mark chapter 5 verses 21- 43 we are given insight to two people in desperate situations. Please pause here and read the scripture as I will just be making references here, but not quoting the entire passage; context matters. These two people had one thing in common; a problem they themselves could not resolve. Who were they? 

Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, an insider of society. A well to do man, since he was an administrator within the synagogue. (Mark 5:22) The other individual in this scripture was an unnamed woman. She was the opposite of Jairus, an outcast of society due to her condition, and financially poor because of her twelve year journey. (Mark 5:25) What was their problem?

There problems were not minor by any means, Jairus' twelve year old daughter was laying at the point of death and the woman was struggling with a flow of blood for twelve years! (Mark 5:23, 25) Where did they turn to for resolution?

Jairus the text tells us came directly to Jesus. Putting his pride and reputation to the side we read "And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, Jairus by name. And when he saw Him (Jesus), he fell at His feet and begged Him earnestly, saying, 'My little daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed and she will live.'" (Mark 5:22-23)  The woman however, went to the professionals for her resolution. "Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse." (Mark 5:25-26) After twelve years of battling this problem she comes to Jesus, secretly. "When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him (Jesus) in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, 'If only I may touch, His clothes, I shall be made well.'" (Mark 5:27-28) How did Jesus respond to them?

Jesus was willing to help both of them and essentially had the same message for them. To the woman who thought that she could be healed in secret Jesus says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction." (Mark 5:34) Notice, Jesus did not draw attention to how long it took her to come to Him for healing. Rather He encourages her and tells her she has healing faith! Jesus also calls her "daughter" bringing attention to her relationship with Him. Similarly with Jairus, Jesus is willing to help and was going to go to his home to heal his daughter. However, while Jesus is speaking to the woman, "some came from the ruler of the synagogue's house said, 'Your (Jairus) daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further.'" (Mark5:35) Immediately Jesus turns to Jairus and says, "Do not be afraid; only believe." (Mark 5:36)

Bride of Christ, Jesus does not judge our measure of faith based on how long it takes us to come to Him to ask for help. The woman who took twelve years was accounted to have healing faith once she came to Jesus for healing. Jairus who had come directly to Jesus for help was told by Jesus to believe! Do not let the gap of realizing you have a problem and when you finally come to Jesus to hold you back from coming to Him. Jesus wants to help. Also do not let the type of problem you have keep you from asking Him for help. Both Jairus (dead daughter) and the woman (issue of blood) had issues of defilement accordingly to Levitical law. High priest were cautioned to not touch or be touched by such persons. But notice our High priest, Jesus, does not let this stand in the way. Therefore, neither should you. Come to Jesus today and let Him in to heal, restore, and speak life over you, whether you are like Jairus or the woman!


Look at the birds of the air


But as for you