Mind Full
Hello Bride of Christ,
Ever realize in the middle of a conversation with someone your mind begins to wander? You begin to engage with the wandering thought to the point you no longer are listening to the person speaking to you, the show you are watching, or what is playing on the radio. You may be looking in their direction and even in their presence, but you have completely left the conversation. Then suddenly you notice and you zoom right back into the conversation and you try your best to gather the context in order to be able to respond. Well, let me tell you this happens to me often. Especially, when I have so much happening, I notice my mind begins to wander. As I am sitting in meetings or talking to my family, and they say just one word and then there my mind goes. Oh, our Lord knows how well He fashioned us so He purposely and intentionally speaks of our minds over 100 times in the bible!
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You."
Isaiah 26:3
I believe as most women my mind is filled with thoughts of yesterday, today, and the future for my family, faith, and career. I am always reflecting on what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in those areas of my life. This is why the Lord encourages us all to be mindful. The Lord knows it is a struggle for us, so through Isaiah God encourages us to stay. Stay on what? Stay focused on God.
In Isaiah in the midst of Judah’s salvation song, Isaiah notes the benefit of being mindful. Peace. A mind that stays focused on God will experience peace. Perfect peace. In Ephesians Paul gives us insight to what this perfect peace is when he writes “For He (Jesus) Himself is our peace.” (Ephesians 2:14)
As we stay focused on God as Paul, the bond servant of Christ, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit also encourages “and be renewed in the spirt of your mind.” (Ephesians 4:23) We will begin to receive Jesus, perfect peace. Jesus will become evident in our lives, and traces of this perfect man will mark our being. We will walk differently because our walk will be marked with evidence of love, wisdom, and light. We will talk differently because our speech will be filled with words of grace and peace to the hearers. We will think differently of ourselves and others because we will begin to see with eyes of Jesus.
Bride of Christ, take up your helmet of salvation today (Ephesians 6:17) which allows your mind to be steadfast and focused on truth. The truth of who Jesus is for us and in us. During these days ahead I encourage you to focus on Jesus, His word, and promises. As the people of Judah sang, because when you keep your mind focused on Him, He will keep your mind full of perfect peace!