Hold Your Peace
Hello Bride of Christ,
Growing up I was fascinated with illusions. The idea of being able to look at something and see different things or have things appear as though they are even though they are not because of perspective was mind blowing!
The below illustration is a great example. Some people on an initial glance will see a young elegant woman. While others at first glance will see an old lady. It is all based on our perspective. Both are indeed in this image, but depending on your perspective you may see one more predominantly than the other, and upon a changed or enlightened perspective you may be able to see both!
The Pillar of Cloud
As believers in Christ and followers of our Lord Jesus, He changes our hearts to allow us to begin to have a different perspective. As we study the bible we begin to see things from God's perspective. Quickly we realize how different it is from what we see with our natural eyes. To continue where we were last week Exodus 14, the account of the Red Sea crossing, I would like to draw your eyes to an illusion the Lord used to protect the children of Israel.
If you need a moment, pause here to go read Exodus 14 to get acquainted with the text.
I am going to pick up in Exodus 14:14. Here Moses is responding to the children of Israel, who are in a frightened state because the Egyptians were aggressively pursuing them. Moses encourages and reassures them "The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." See Moses was speaking from an enlightened perspective. The Lord earlier in the chapter had revealed to him all that was going to occur. Moses has a first hand account, directly from God. Moses relayed this message to the children of Israel, but the second hand account was not nearly as powerful or assuring to the children of Israel for they were greatly afraid (vs10). So shortly after, the Lord speaks again to Moses, "Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward..." (Exodus 14:15). God proceeds in verses 16-18 to tell Moses exactly what to do, all that He/ God will do, and even why.
Then in verse 19 of chapter 14 in Exodus the Lord reveals His illusion. It reads, "And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them. So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night to the other, so that one did not come near the other all that night." (Exodus 14:19-20)
Darkness & Light
Bride of Christ, the Lord is doing the same work in your life. Today you may be looking and only seeing darkness but as you slow down and move forward you will begin to change perspective. Let us learn from Moses and cry out to the Lord so we can have a primary account of what He plans and wills for us. You will begin to see all the boundaries and guards the Lord has placed around you. Simply to keep things from coming near you. Simply to allow Him to guide you across your Red Sea moment.
The Lord desires to get you to the other side. He desires to get you there on dry ground. He is with you and for you. So hold your peace and move forward and follow the light, for the Lord is the light!