Do Not Be Afraid
Hello Bride of Christ!
Do you ever struggle with feeling out of control? Does the lack of control result in uncontrollable fear? Fear filled thoughts. What ifs? Your mind runs ramped to the point you find yourself not being able to sleep, anxiety heightens, and your chest feels tight and your vision seems to be growing dimmer. Everywhere you look you see lack, danger, uncertainty, unreliability, hopelessness, impossibilities?
Well join me in Genesis Chapter 16, as I introduce you to my girl Hagar...
She was Egyptian. Her name means fugitive or immigrant, with a Hebrew origin meaning Flight. Giving the sense of never settled, always on the move.
Fear Is Part of Her Story
Here in this chapter we are told she is Sarai’s maidservant (vs1). She probably was given to them by Pharaoh when Sarai and Abraham had left Canaan due to the famine, and fled to Egypt. There in Egypt we see fear cloud Abram’s judgement and he has Sarai to act as if she is only his sister, not his wife for fear they may kill him for her beauty. Once Pharaoh finds out Sarai and Abram’s true relationship, he asks them to leave and this is probably the begin of feeling out of sorts with no control for Hagar. She is uprooted from her people and sent with Abram and Sarai.
We can imagine Hagar although maybe fearful manages well because she becomes a well trusted servant / slave as Sarai chooses her to be her surrogate mother. Since Sarai is barren and God had recently promised Abram in a vision and a word, “This one (Eliezer of Damascus) shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” “Look now toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to number them. So shall your descendants be.” (Genesis 15:4-5)
So, Sarai leaning to the customs of the day, choosing a surrogate mother when you are barren (so you have to not fear what society thinks of you), chooses Hagar.
How do you think Hagar felt? A slave with no choice, no voice, or say. I would imagine fear, confusion, anxiety, depression, violated.
Notice the scriptures only capture Abram and Sarai’s brief discussion regarding the manner. Abram knew the vision and word He had received, he would have descendants from his own body as his heir, and his own fears mentioned in Chapter 15, this only seemed logical.
The Plot Thickens
Poor Hagar is given to Abram and conceives a child. Scripture says “When she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her eyes.” Jealous and hatred entered the relationship (vs4). From this point, Sarai and Hagar begin their feud. This is the only beginning of this feud for once Hagar’s son Ishmael is born, Sarai who then becomes Sarah, drives Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert wilderness. Sarah did not want Ishmael to be an heir with her son Isaac. In both instances fear presents itself. Here in chapter 16 we see Hagar’s fear drives her to the wilderness (same wilderness that years later Moses would take the children of Israel after crossing the Red Sea out of Egypt and God would change the bitter water into sweet water). Here in the same vicinity God meets Hagar.
God Steps In
“Hagar, Sarai’s maidservant, where have you come from and where are you going?” (vs8)
In her fear she responds telling him why she is fleeing. She never responds to His question. But the Lord is so gracious that He reminds here where she coming from and where she is going… she is going to return and submit to Sarai her maidservant. But not only that He tells her why; cause He is going to bless her with many descendants.
After God speaks to her Hagar gives God a name “The God Who Sees” “Have I also seen Him who sees me?” God spoke to her and confirmed for her He knew all that was going on. Even though she didn’t quite understand where she was coming from and even where she was headed, He did. His words to her spoke of her current circumstance and her future.
Isn’t that like God to tell us that He knows the plans He has for us… plans of hope and a future?
Fear Not
So Hagar without question returns to Sarai and Abram, but like many of us God’s promise and the experience of hearing Him speak grows more and more faint. That years past and when she is casted out by Sarah with Ishmael and left to die in the desert (Chapter 21). Hagar grows hopeless and puts her child under a tree to die and cries. Again Hagar is visited by the Angel of God, “What is the matter Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard you’re the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” Once again God steps in comforts Hagar that He sees and knows what is happening and He has a plan. He reminds her of His promise.
Just think if God saw and responded to the burdens, fears, and trials of a bondwoman… How much more would He respond to the prayers of the free woman? For who Christ has set free is free indeed!
He is the God that sees. So as you pray Bride of Christ, please do not hold back, do not be afraid. May you pray, praise, and cry out to the point where He speaks and you can walk away like Hagar knowing you have seen Him who sees you.