An Easter Message
Hello Bride of Christ,
Easter, or more accurately Resurrection Day, is my favorite celebration. This was not always the case, as I did not come to know Jesus until I was 18yrs old. However, my first Easter celebration after accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior was so impactful. In December of the year prior to my first Easter I accepted Christ into my life and began reading the bible on a consistent basis. I learned to make the scriptures come alive I had to not only read it, understand its context both literally and figuratively, I also had to insert myself. As I read the text, I would ask myself which character best reflected my heart, actions, and words? Who most resembled me? Then I would focus in on that particular character's narrative. I would focus on the happenings in context of this person.
Practicing this method of reading the word for my first Easter celebration I quickly realized I was Judas Iscariot. Yes Judas! I was given the seat of honor by Jesus, as was Judas on the night of Passover celebration or as most commonly referred to as the last super. I believed Jesus exist, as did Judas for he was one of the twelve disciples. However, my heart was still so far from Him. I was still concerned with things of this world (money, degrees, placement, etc.); just like Judas who willingly betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I would imagine most would be discouraged with finding this out about themselves or even battle with denial. As for me, it opened my eyes to how much I needed Jesus to change me. How much I really needed Him to finish and complete the work He had started in me. So I continue this practice of reading the Easter account each year taking the week to analyze my heart and see which character reflects my heart. The amazing thing is each year I identify with a new person.
Want to try it?
Read any gospel account of this week starting with Palm Sunday: Matthew 21-28; Mark 11 - 16; Luke 19:28 - 24:53; John 12 -21
You will encounter many different characters in these scriptures, some familiar and some you barely noticed before. Here are some you will find to help you get started:
Disciples - one that betrays Jesus for money and one who denies Him because of fear;
High Priest and Government Leadership - leaning to their own understanding and pridefully accusing Jesus and judging Jesus;
People of Israel - full of anger and blinding hate yelling for Jesus to be crucified and asking for a murder to be released instead;
Soldiers - following orders and doing what they are told to arrest an innocent man and scourge Him;
Mocker - looking upon Jesus and yelling at Him with disbelief to save Himself, and doubting He has the power to save Himself
Simon - being asked to carry the cross with Jesus and bare some of His burden;
Women - broken hearted, standing a distance, watching and observing all this chaos;
Joseph of Arimathea - not consenting with what is taking place but stepping up to do something about it because he was waiting for the kingdom of God
Who are you?
These are just some of the types of people you will come across as you read this week's account in the gospels. I encourage you to go read them and insert yourself. Be honest with yourself. Do not be afraid to be honest with yourself.
The good news, is regardless of which person you most identify with today Jesus said this about them all "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (Luke 23:34)
We all need forgiveness. We all fall short of godly perfection. We do not have in and of ourselves the ability to come before God, who is holy and perfect, without the acceptance of this forgiveness Jesus speaks of as He hung on the cross. Apart from the blood shed on the cross we would be consumed by God.
Accept who you really are with Jesus.
Accept His forgiveness.
Accept how He desires to change you.
Then go and tell the world what He has done for you!
This is the true Easter message. Jesus is alive because He lives in you!