A Special Treasure
Hello Bride of Christ,
Did you know that you are a holy people to the Lord your God? Now, holy does not mean perfect. It also is not an attribute we posses in and of ourselves. A holy people refers to chosen by God for separation unto Himself. You have been chosen by God for Himself. Ever enjoy being someone's best friend? Well the God of the universe has chosen you!
"For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 14:2)
In context, Moses is sharing with the children of Israel the core reason why the various "rules" or laws exist for them. These boundaries Moses was laying out for the children of Israel, which Moses had received from the Lord was because the Lord treasured His chosen people. How to obey. How to worship. How to mourn. Even what to eat and how to eat it. All these commands are sourced from the same why.
Although Moses is speaking to and of the children of Israel in this specific section of scripture, the Lord our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God treasures His chosen children. Paul writes in Ephesians to the gentiles (us) that we have been chosen by God in Jesus before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. (Ephesians 1:4) Again we see a selection, separation, and sanctification desire of the Lord. But, as the children of Israel, because of our human frailty we become overwhelmed and hyper focused on the boundaries instead of recognizing the one setting these boundaries and His burning why.
It is easy to read these boundaries and focus on ourselves. Focus on ourselves to determine how we will keep and live within these boundaries. Focus on ourselves to make sure we are blameless and spotless. Focus on ourselves. Oh how this is so far from what the Lord desired when He established these boundaries for us. It is no different for me as a mother to my children. I have not created a long list of do's and don'ts because I want my sons to be perfect or spend all their days hyper-focused on keeping the "rules." Contrary, I desire for them to reflect on these boundaries and recognize how much I have thought of them. I have thoughts of their rising up and their laying down. I have thought of their every need. Why? Simply because I love and treasure my sons. The Lord has modeled this in His boundaries for us, His dear children.
Bride of Christ, as we reflect and mediate on the Lord's boundaries for us, His dear chosen children, may we see His heart. He loves and treasures us so much He has thought of every aspect of our lives. May we respond to this love with awe and reverence, "that you may learn to fear (revere) the Lord your God always." (Deuteronomy 14:23) Note these boundaries were not set in place to burden us nor overwhelm us with guilt, but to overwhelm us with the understanding of how much we are loved and treasured by the God of the universe. He has placed such boundaries that we may invite Him in to do life with us. As with my sons, my boundaries for them result in us having to do life together. Yes, my sons eventually learn to walk on their own, provide physically for themselves, but my desire is that they will choose to have me be apart of their life long past needing me to be a part of their life, and I believe that is our God's heart desire as well. While we walk on this earth we may become self-sufficient, but because of the Father's love for us may we be a chosen and grateful people that choose to invite the Lord into every aspect of our lives. Not because we want the blessing, but because we want to simply be in the presence of the God who has loved us beyond measure.