A Leper's Thank You
Hello Bride of Christ,
Ever since he was a tiny little toddler my second son's favorite bible account is when Jesus heals ten lepers and only one turns and thanks Jesus. I never really understood what exactly from this account caught my son's attention. Was it the disease? Was it the healing? Was it the healer? So I asked. To my astonishment this three year old at the time stated, "Why did only one turn back and say thank you? Weren't they all suffering from the same thing?"
Out of the mouth of babes!
It is quite intriguing how we as individuals can seem to be battling the same element physically, but yet the heart lessons are so drastically different. When looking at the leprosy healing accounts we can glean faith strengthening lessons.
In the book of Matthew chapter 8 versus 1 - 4 we are given an account of a man with leprosy asking Jesus for healing. The same account is recorded in the book of Mark chapter 1 versus 40 - 45 and the book of Luke chapter 5 verses 12 - 16.
"When He (Jesus) had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him. And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying "Lord, if you are willing. You can make me clean." Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying "I am willing; be cleansed," Immediately his leprosy was cleaned. And Jesus said to him, "See that you tell no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony to them." - Matthew 8:1-4
None of the accounts truly describe this man's state of being, but from what is given we can infer and even sense his desperation. For one account says the man was full of leprosy. Meaning the disease had spread through out his entire being. Leprosy though infectious it spreads very slowly. The diseases incubation period is up to 5 years and can take as long as 20 years to fully occur. We could use our active imaginations and put ourselves in this man's shoes.
According to the book of Leviticus chapter 13 - 14 we can see this man had been to the priest and examined. He had even been isolated for several period of time. These 7 days of isolation. The priest must have given up on him after months of uncleanness was pronounced. They not only examined his physical body, but his clothes and his house. All deemed unclean. All isolated for 7 day periods, weeks on end. He was asked to isolate. Do not speak to anyone or see anyone and especially do not touch anyone or anything. God knew the severity of this disease so he gave two very long detailed chapters in the priestly law how to identify it and deal with it. But no where in the law it says to give up. This is what Jesus knew.
So the man knowing this law sees Jesus, the high priest of all high priest, and implorers, worships, falls on his face before Him, "Lord if you are willing, You can make me clean." The man did not ask Jesus to examine him, for he knew his condition. He did not ask Jesus "Why me?" He recognized his condition and desired healing. As much as the priest had given up on him getting better, he had given up on their ability to help him. The man knew only Jesus, the son of God, if it was His will he would be made well.
Very different heart condition from the ten lepers account, my son so enjoys to read about. You can read their account in the book of Luke chapter 17 versus 11-19. Notice these men did not go find Jesus. Jesus so happened to pass them by, and they stood afar off. Unlike the man we were talking about earlier who approached Jesus. These ten men recognized Jesus as Master not Lord. They ask for mercy and not God's will. At face value we would say Jesus worked the same miracle. He healed all eleven men of their physical aliment. But if we look closer we can see Jesus spiritually touched two men. They both respond with praise and glorify God. They both received affirmation from Jesus to go their way.
Through both accounts we see the beauty in the healing. After Jesus heals them he tells them to go to the priest. In the book of Leviticus chapter 14 we learn the details of the cleanse offering. It consist of two birds, two lambs, hyssop, and scarlet. There are tons of detailed steps to be followed, but what is illuminated is the blood poured out, the anointing placed on the healed person's right ear, right thumb, and right toe. A very similar ritual done to the priest before they serve. All symbolic of the work on the cross, Jesus' blood, would once and for all fulfill. Anointing each of us with the ability to hear God, do work for God, and walk in God's ways. For we are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood.
Bride of Christ, the aliment the Lord allows in our lives are not to isolate you. In fact, it is to draw you unto Himself. The world may look on and be sorry for you or scared for you, but look to Jesus. He does not isolate Himself from you. O, the contrary Jesus turns to you with compassion, holds His hand out, and touches you! Then He speaks. Are you listening? Lean in and remember to say 'Thank you!'