Esperanza begins here

Devotional Blog

A blog that expounds upon the Holy Spirit-inspired scriptures to encourage the Bride of Christ in daily kingdom living in a temporal world.

Small Group Bible Studies

Verse-by-verse expository studies of scripture to reveal all God has sovereignly ordained and has blessed His women with to live empowered Christ dependent lives.


On Torn: Finding a Mom Life Balance, hosts Athena, and Mims share their journey, laugh their woes away, and dismantle the deceptions of motherhood by giving a new voice to mommy-hood.

Athena Ramsey

Author. Teacher. Disciple

I am a wife to my loving husband, Steve, and a mother to 4 lively boys who range from college-age to preschool. Originally from Queens, New York, I attended James Madison University where Steve and I met and started our lifelong friendship. I wasn’t a believer when I started college, but God, who is rich in mercy, brought me to the right place at the right time. God called me to be His and assured me of my identity as His daughter.

In 2009 we relocated from McLean, Virginia to Charlotte as the Lord was preparing us to become parents through adoption. Our family has grown over the years, and God has been faithful to grow me personally as I’ve met the joys and challenges of motherhood, a career, and a calling to ministry.

From the time I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He gave me a passion for His word. As I grew in my studies of His word, the Lord began to lay on my heart the need for women to be equipped with knowledge of the word of God, encouraged in their daily lives, and extended a hand to walk in unity and love with other women in Christ. This calling led me to here. Esperanza.

Keep growing your faith through studying scripture